Experience the ultimate personalized Pilates training with our
private sessions. Work closely with our expert instructors to
develop a customized program tailored to your unique goals and
Zero Refund Policy - Every package that has been paid cannot be canceled or refunded.
Zero Refund Policy - Setiap paket yang sudah dibayarkan tidak bisa dibatalkan atau ditarik kembali (refund).
Can packages that have been purchased be transferred?
Sessions that have been purchased are transferable under the following conditions:
Active Member to New Join Member
(i) Paying the Registration Fee.
(ii) Purchase any package to enable session transfer.
Sesi yang sudah dibeli dapat dipindahtangankan dengan ketentuan sbb:
Active Member to New Join Member
(i) Membayar Registration Fee
(ii) Melakukan pembelian paket apapun agar transfer sesi dapat diaktifkan.
Vorme Pilates operating hours to answer Member questions
Operational hours of our Studio to answer Member's inquiries is 08.00 AM - 20.00 PM, past these hours the inquiries will be responded by the next day.
Jam operasional Studio kami untuk menjawab pertanyaan Member adalah pukul 08.00 - 20.00 WIB, melewati jam tersebut pertanyaan akan dijawab dan dilayani pada hari berikutnya.
How do I confirm arrival?
Use QR for digital attendance! When the customer arrives, before the class starts, the Admin / Coach on that day can ask the customer to scan the barcode
What is the expiry date for the packages?
The maximum expiry duration is stated on the pricelist.
Monthly = 30 day period from when the first booking is made
Annually = 365 days period from when the first booking is made
Maximum durasi expired tertera pada pricelist.
Monthly = periode 30 hari dari booking pertama dilakukan
Annually = periode 365 hari dari booking pertama dilakukan
What is Vorme Pilates?
Vorme Pilates is a full-body fitness studio that provides safe and positive body-conditioning.
Vorme Pilates adalah pusat kebugaran yang memberikan latihan olah tubuh yang aman dan berdampak positif bagi tubuh.
How long is a session?
Duration of each sessionis -/+50 minutes.
Setiap sesi berlangsung -/+ 50 menit.
What should I bring to class?
All Members are required to wear socks and gloves during the session, for health & safety protocols.
Wajib menggunakan kaos kaki dan sarung tangan anti slip selama latihan dan selalu menjaga protokol kesehatan
What types of classes at Vorme?
we have 3 classes;
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
What if I am late?
Session starts and finishes on time, there will be no extra added time if there is a delay due to Member’s late arrival. Refunds or compensation will not be offered in the case of late entry.
Setiap sesi dimulai tepat waktu dan selesai tepat waktu dan tidak ada penambahan waktu apabila ada keterlambatan
What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellation or session changes must be done no later than 5 pm on the previous day (D-1). If the designated time has passed, the session will be considered burned.
Pembatalan dan pergantian sesi harus dilakukan (H-1) sebelum sesi dimulai atau paling lambat jam 5 sore di hari sebelumnya. Jika melewati jam tersebut maka sesi tersebut akan otomatis terpotong.
What's the age limit for doing pilates?
Everyone can join pilates! Pilates really is an exercise that anyone can do at any age.
How long does it take to make a long reservation?
Customers can make reservations a maximum of 5 hours before the session as long as capacity is still available.
Customer dapat membuat reservasi maximal 5 jam sebelum sesi berlangsung selama capacity masih ada.
Is it possible to change the schedule?
Changes made for the upcoming session schedule can be done only one (1) time for each session.
Pergantian jadwal latihan yang akan datang, untuk perubahannya hanya bisa dilakukan satu (1) kali untuk setiap sesi.
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